Examinations Regulations

Published: 29/07/2019

Section 13: Dress code, electronic devices, misconduct and feedback


Dress code for examinations

The College endorses the key recommendations of guidance on dress codes for postgraduate medical recruitment, training and assessment from the conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans (CoPMeD). Full details are set out in Appendix 4 of these regulations.


Electronic devices including mobile phones and smartwatches

The College will follow strict appliance of the rules set out in Appendix 5 of these regulations regarding the use of mobile phones, smartwatches and unauthorised electronic devices during FRCA examinations.



All aspects of misconduct at FRCA examinations will be investigated and acted upon in accordance with the misconduct policy set out in Appendix 6 of these regulations.


Candidate Feedback

The College believes it is important to provide feedback to all exam candidates beyond a standard pass/fail result. The details of the feedback provided to candidates are set out in Appendix 8 of these Regulations.