2021 Curriculum learning syllabus: stage 3 special interest areas
Anaesthesia in Resource Poor Environments
- Group 2: 3 to 6 months
Learning outcome
- Provide safe perioperative anaesthetic care in a resource poor environment
Key capabilities
A |
Describes the culture, customs and political influence (if appropriate) to healthcare in the particular resource poor environment |
B |
Explains the impact of local epidemiology that may influence delivery of anaesthesia and peri-operative care |
C |
Works with the local hospital governance and management structure |
D |
Provides perioperative management of patients undergoing a wide range of surgical procedures and acutely sick patients requiring post-operative care within the local environment adapting to the available resources |
E |
Teaches and trains the multidisciplinary team including anaesthetic clinical officers, doctors, theatre staff and medical students within limited educational resources |
F |
Describes the challenges to deliver sustainable healthcare within the particular environment |
Examples of evidence
Experience and logbook:
- logbook demonstrating use of appropriate regional or general techniques, for resource limited environment, of a wide range of patients undergoing elective or emergency surgery
- logbook evidence of experience managing anaesthesia particularly in obstetric, trauma and paediatric patients
- experience in delivering multidisciplinary team teaching and clinical anaesthesia in resource poor environment.
Supervised Learning Events (SLEs) can be used to demonstrate:
- ability to manage patients using draw-over or hybrid anaesthesia machine, ketamine anaesthesia, and resource appropriate regional or local techniques
- safe pre-operative management of patients presenting with undiagnosed or poorly treated chronic conditions
- ability to manage the perioperative care of emergency cases including the post-operative level 2 or 3 care with available local resources, including referral
- inclusive approach to list management, leading a multidisciplinary team of mixed abilities and language
- understanding of the cultural and political influences on low resource health systems
- a systematic approach to theories of change and principles of sustainable development.
Personal Activities and Personal Reflections may include:
- attendance at national and international meetings or courses related to world anaesthesia, including presenting/speaking
- development of guidelines and policies alongside local counterparts
- involvement in teaching opportunities for the multidisciplinary team
- training focused on delivery of education in low resource settings (eg SAFE)
- development of skills in a foreign language
- understanding of the impact conscious and unconscious biases on delivery of healthcare and education to low resource settings
- involvement in organisations promoting safe global anaesthesia (e.g. World Anaesthesia Society, RCoA Global Partnerships, GASOC, MSF)
- Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- Global Health Medicine certification (PGCert, Dip or MSc)
- Diploma in the Medical Care of Catastrophes.
Other evidence:
- satisfactory MSF.
Suggested supervision level
- 4 - should be able to manage independently with no supervisor involvement (although should inform consultant supervisor as appropriate to local protocols).
Cross links with other domains and capabilities
- all generic professional domains of learning
- Perioperative Medicine and Health Promotion
- General Anaesthesia
- Regional Anaesthesia
- Pain