Portfolio Pathway (CESR) Programme Recognition

This page details all the programmes that have been recognised by the College, provides guidance on how an application can be made, including the form, and describes the processes which are followed during a review.

The benefits of Portfolio Pathway (CESR) programme recognition

The College welcomes applications for Portfolio Pathway (formally known as CESR) programme recognition. There is no charge and the benefits of recognition by the College include the following:

  • programmes are reviewed by the College after an initial administrative check has been completed by the Training team
  • recognised Portfolio Pathway programmes are featured on this page on the College website. The page is updated weekly and features a direct link for further information, where this has been supplied by the provider
  • the RCoA’s accreditation logo  can be used in the promotional material
  • the process of Portfolio Pathway programme recognition is underpinned by regular quality assurance.

Once approved, one person from the programme is invited to join the Portfolio Assessment Group as an assessor. Here is a link to the person specification information.


The recognition process is based on the following aims: 

  • to ensure that programmes will be of a high standard through meeting minimum quality requirements
  • to encourage appropriate educational support for doctors on the programme
  • to maintain a published list of recognised programmes to aid potential applicants and programme providers
  • to provide a transparent process open to scrutiny
  • to provide a thorough but also administratively simple and flexible process.

Programmes and sites recognised for Portfolio Pathway (CESR)

Apply for Portfolio Pathway (CESR) programme recognition

Please complete and submit the form below.

For further information or guidance, please contact cesr@rcoa.ac.uk.

Please gather all the information required for the completion of this form separately and then submit once you’re ready.

Section A: about you

Are you the lead contact for this programme?

If no, please provide details for the lead contact below.

Section B: About the programme

Maximum 2 files.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf doc docx.
Does the Portfolio Pathway programme impact the school’s ability to deliver the training programme?
Does the programme provide opportunities to attain evidence for all Portfolio Pathway domains?
Does the programme have capacity for doctors from outside your programme to undertake placements and obtain specialist KSEs?
Do you have representation on the school board?
Is the College Tutor involved in the Portfolio Pathway programme?

Section C: About the doctors

Do all Portfolio Pathway doctors have a named educational supervisor during their placement?
Do all Portfolio Pathway doctors have access to study leave and educational development time?
Please sign above using your mouse or finger (if using a touchscreen device)

Section D: Regional Adviser Anaesthesia approval

Please upload a signed and dated letter of support from the Regional Adviser Anaesthesia. The letter must include the following statement:

This Portfolio Pathway programme has been discussed with me and I am satisfied that there is training capacity to support the programme.

As the RAA, I am prepared to be involved with at least one ARCP (or other assessment-type process) annually and represent the programme on the school board.

One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf doc docx.


Data Protection Statement

The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) is fully committed to the principles of data protection, as set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 (C.12). The RCoA relies on legitimate interests as the lawful basis for processing of personal data. We process and maintain personal data about you so that we can manage your membership, provide you with appropriate products and services and share information with you about RCoA activities.

We will only use your information for the purposes as described and will not pass on your details to other third parties unless you have given us consent to do so.

We use appropriate organisational and technical measures to ensure that your data are secure and protected from loss, misuse and unauthorised access or alteration.

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in your information corrected. If you have any questions about data protection or require further information, please email dpo@rcoa.ac.uk

Thank you for your application.

Once submitted, this will be reviewed by the College and a decision will be made available to you via the email provided in this application.

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