2021 Curriculum - structure

The structure of the new curriculum

The new curriculum has three stages of training, which an anaesthetist in training must progress through and ultimately gain a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). These are:

  • Stage 1 encompassing CT1, CT2, CT3
  • Stage 2 encompassing ST4, ST5
  • Stage 3 encompassing ST6, ST7

There are 14 domains of learning in each stage, covering both specialty-specific and generic professional requirements, all of which must be demonstrated throughout the training programme.

Each domain has a High-level Learning Outcome that sets the scene for what constitutes an anaesthetist.

Below that is a stage learning outcome that provides a description of what needs to be achieved at the end of that stage in order to progress to the next.

Next follows a set of key capabilities, which are mandatory and must be evidenced by anaesthetists in training to meet the stage learning outcome.

Every stage learning outcome includes a selection of examples of evidence, which are examples of evidence within a range of clinical contexts that anaesthetists in training may use to support their achievement of the key capabilities.

These are described at a high level below:

Generic professional domains


High-level Learning Outcome

Professional Behaviours and Communication

Demonstrates the professional values and behaviours that patients expect from their doctors

Management and Professional and Regulatory Requirements

Undertakes managerial, administrative and organisational roles

Team Working

Contributes to teams to enhance patient care

Safety & Quality Improvement

Improves the quality and safety of patient care


Identifies vulnerable people and takes appropriate action

Education and Training

Helps others to develop their professional practice

Research and Managing Data

Expands the understanding of anaesthetic practice

 Specialty-specific domains


High-level Learning Outcome

Perioperative Medicine and Health Promotion

Facilitates safe multi-disciplinary peri-operative care and promotes the principles of public health interventions and efficient use of healthcare resources

General Anaesthesia

Provides safe and effective general anaesthesia

Regional Anaesthesia

Provides safe and effective regional anaesthesia

Resuscitation and Transfer

Resuscitates, stabilises and transfers critically ill patients safely

Procedural Sedation

Provides safe & effective sedation


Manages pain

Intensive Care

Manages critical illness

The learning syllabus

Details of the learning outcomes, capabilities and examples of evidence for each stage and domain of learning can be found here.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 3 Special Interest Areas (SIAs)

If you would like to contact us, you can email the Anaesthetics Curriculum and Equivalence Team on training@rcoa.ac.uk or call on 020 7092 1550.

Please let us know what you think. If you feel the information on this page could be improved, please get in touch with us.

Last reviewed: 31 December 2022

Next review due: 1 January 2024