The National Clinical Leaders in Anaesthesia Executive
The Clinical Leaders in anaesthesia network has membership from across the UK all of whom are, or have previously been Clinical Directors' for anaesthesia, intensive care medicine and pain management. The Executive Committee is hosted by the Royal College of Anaesthetists, and was founded in 2013. The Executive Committee recruited three new members in 2019.
The Executive Committee has a specific remit to:
- promote and encourage information sharing and good practice between Clinical Directors in UK NHS departments of anaesthesia, intensive care medicine and pain management, and
- to assist the RCoA, NHS employers and individual doctors in improving quality and standards of practice by developing and providing a consistent approach to issues raised in the management of anaesthesia related services.
It meets four times a year to discuss issues raised from the clinical leaders in anaesthesia network, and to plan the clinical leaders in anaesthesia network meetings. We have co-opted representation on RCoA Council and Association of Anaesthetists Council and sit on a number of RCoA and Academy of Medical Royal Colleges’ Committees.
Members of The National Clinical Leaders in Anaesthesia Executive

Prof Jaideep J Pandit

Dr Sarah Hare

Dr Thearina De Beer

Dr Robert Fleming
Honorary Membership Secretary

Dr Tim Meek
Honorary Membership Secretary