Dr Gary Matthews

Gary committed the first phase of his medical career to the Royal Navy. He has practised a broad range of subspecialty anaesthesia in the South West, London and Canada. As a consultant anaesthetist Dr Matthews has gained NHS and independent sector leadership and management experience in the South West region, and additionally has had military tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He joined the Royal Cornwall Hospital as a civilian consultant anaesthetist in February 2010. His current clinical interests include peri-operative medicine, pre-operative optimisation and clinical outcomes data-analysis, cardio-pulmonary exercise testing (CPET), intraoperative EEG and vascular surgery specialties.
He has held various leadership roles within the anaesthesia department including interim clinical director, specialty director, lead clinician for perioperative medicine and lead for fellowships in vascular and perioperative medicine, and recruitment lead. He is also an educational supervisor, and academic tutor.
He has previously had a role as flying doctor with the Cornwall Air Ambulance, as well as military pre-hospital HEMS experience. Dr Matthews has attained Masters Level Executive Coach qualifications. He also has a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA).