How are anaesthetists trained?

How are anaesthetists trained?

Medical students study for five years in both a university and a hospital. They then graduate as doctors with a full medical degree. All doctors then have a further two years of foundation stage training in a range of different specialties. This gives a wide basic training and allows them to find out the areas of work they are interested in. Doctors who wish to train in anaesthesia apply to go on a training programme which lasts seven more years to become a consultant.

At first a new anaesthetist works with a consultant anaesthetist by their side all the time. As the trainee passes capability assessments and gains experience, the level of supervision is very gradually reduced. Anaesthetists need to complete all the required standards set by the College. They also need to pass a demanding two-part exam called the Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) before they can continue with the last stage of their training.

The standards of training in the UK are very high. The College has a duty to set and monitor standards of training. Hospitals that do not provide a high enough level of training to these standards will no longer be allowed to train anaesthetists.

Anaesthetists in training (junior doctors)

FY1/FY2 – foundation year 1 and 2

You will usually see these doctors looking after patients on the ward. In some hospitals FY1 and 2 doctors have introductory training in anaesthesia or intensive care.

CT1/2/3 – core training year 1, 2 and 3

These are the early basic training years in anaesthetics.

ST 4/5/6/7 – Specialty training years 4–7 of training

The number is the training year which they are in. This training covers all the specialist training these doctors need to become consultants.

Different grades of anaesthetists

Consultant anaesthetist

A consultant has completed all the training requirements in anaesthesia to allow them to be on the GMC specialist register. They work without any senior supervision but must all continue professional development in anaesthesia each year. They usually specialise in a particular area of anaesthesia. Some may lead teams in different areas of the hospital such as Intensive care and pain medicine.

SAS doctor

This group of anaesthetists have different levels of experience and may be called either Staff Grade, Fellow, Associate Specialist, Specialty Doctor. In some trusts they may be called a different title.

SAS doctors have at least two years specialist training in anaesthesia but many will have far longer. A few will have completed all the training and will be on the specialist register. Many are very experienced anaesthetists.

For various reasons they have all made a choice not to complete all the higher specialty areas of training and research in order to become a consultant. Depending on their skills and experience these doctors may work alone but can ask for advice or assistance if required.

Locum anaesthetist

These can be anaesthetists of any grade that are temporarily working to cover a position.


These are all anaesthetists who work with the University in research as well as in clinical anaesthesia.

How do we know that anaesthetists are working to high standards?

All grades of anaesthetists are appraised each year to best ensure they meet the standards of practice required in the UK. They also use this appraisal to decide what extra courses or training they need to attend to keep them up to date in all the areas that they work in or to learn new skills. This process is overseen by the General Medical Council.