RCoA marks NHS Sustainability Day with the launch of its first Sustainability Strategy

Published: 21/03/2019

Today the College celebrates NHS Sustainability Day with the launch of its first Sustainability Strategy. The College is committed to embedding sustainability in everything it does and Council member Dr Lucy Williams has created a comprehensive strategy that encompasses this. It details the strategic priorities, implementation plan and measurement criteria for how the College’s Sustainability Strategy will ensure that achievements clearly align to its commitment.

NHS Sustainability Day is about celebrating the importance sustainable development plays within the UK’s national health services. Through its social media channels the College will support member’s celebration of the day as well as promote a blog written by Dr Williams which takes a closer look at the aims of the Sustainability Strategy.

The College is a founding partner of the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change (UKHACC) and will work with UKHACC to share messages about the College’s Sustainability Strategy and the blog within its network during the course of NHS Sustainability Day.

Professor Ravi Mahajan, President of the Royal College of Anaesthetists said:

“A vision for the College is our commitment to embed sustainability in everything we do. I am pleased that our Sustainability Strategy sets a clear path for how the College will minimise its environmental impact and encourage our fellows and members to consider the environmental impact of their clinical practice without compromising patient safety or quality of care.”