Dr William Samuel McConnell

Personal Details

Dr William Samuel McConnell MBBS FFARCS MRCS LRCP DA

22/04/1904 to 25/02/1982

Place of birth: Battersea, London

Nationality: British

CRN: 715381

Education and qualifications

General education

Emmanuel School, London; Guy’s Hospital Medical School

Primary medical qualification(s)


Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Election

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

MBBS, London, 1929; DA(RCP&S), 1935

Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

Was house surgeon at Guys before being clinical assistant then assistant anaesthetist at the Royal Dental Hospital, working from general practice before joining the honorary staff at Guy’s in 1934. He also became anaesthetist to Guy’s Dental School at about the same time, and joining with Robert Macintosh and Bernard Johnson to form the ‘Mayfair Gas Company’, a hi-end private practice. He joined the RAMC in 1941, serving as adviser in anaesthetics to Western, then Southern Command in India, contributing much to the training of both British and Indian medical officers. After the war he returned to Guy’s, spending some time at John’s Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore on the Guy’s Hospital exchange scheme. He retired as senior consultant in 1969.

Professional interests and activities

His primary interest, and great expertise, was general anaesthesia for dentistry, particularly in children. A diffident, retiring individual with a gentle sense of humour, he was a gifted teacher, much in demand as a lecturer whose focus was on safety.

Other biographical information

He was married to Olive, and they had two sons. More information would be welcome.


Author and Sources

Author: Prof Tony Wildsmith

Sources and any other comments: Obituary. BMJ 1982; 285:67 | Medical Directory | Ancestry.co.uk