The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) guidance1 stipulates that any doctor away from clinical practice for three months or more will require a period of individualised support on their return, whatever the reason for their absence. It also states that ‘a clear and supportive process for the return to practice should be in place in all organisations employing or contracting doctors’.
Within a department, a supportive culture is crucial to making any return to clinical work after a period of absence a success, as recognised in Guidelines for the Provision of Anaesthesia Services (GPAS).2
It is advisable to have a nominated individual or individuals with an interest in this area as a point of contact for those taking a break from practice. The person responsible for supporting an anaesthetist’s return to work may be the nominated return to work (RTW) lead, a clinical lead, the clinical director or head of service. For the anaesthetist in training (AiT), this will be with their College/ Faculty tutor, educational supervisor or both.
The nature and duration of the support required varies, depending on the individual circumstances of the returning anaesthetist, as well as the reason for their absence. However, managing a successful return to work is always a collaborative process between the individual and their department. This document aims to provide clinicians and departments with a framework to facilitate this, and to thereby improve patient safety. This guidance should be referred to alongside existing trust and national guidelines on the subject.