Published: 07/06/2022
Evidence: Additional Points
Generic Professional Domains
- Capabilities within the generic professional domains are clustered for the whole domain. Evidence can only be linked to the cluster, not individual capabilities.
- When approving generic professional HALOs, trainers should see evidence relating to a selection of the key capabilities within the domain. Examples of evidence are given in the Assessment Guidance document and are included on the LLp.
- In some situations, a single piece of evidence may cover the majority of key capabilities for a generic professional domain, for example a Good Clinical Practice (GPC) course for Research and Managing Data in stage 1.
- Schools of Anaesthesia are encouraged to develop School specific examples of evidence such as attendance at specific training days.
- There is an expectation that anaesthetists in training are engaged with QI activity throughout their training, and the level of involvement increases with each stage. During stages 2 and 3 it is anticipated that at least one significant project will be undertaken for each stage.
- QI activity should be recorded using the A-QIPAT form, but other evidence may also be presented for example, uploading a project presentation.
Clinical Domains
- Anaesthetists in training are encouraged to use SLEs regularly to capture learning from clinical experience and use of the 'Quick Approve' function helps these to be completed at the time of the formative discussion with the trainer.
- The log book should be reviewed to ascertain that the case numbers and case mix are appropriate.
- Supervision levels can be recorded when completing SLEs. Suggested supervision levels for the end of each stage of training are set out in the Assessment Guidance. The anaesthetist in training should demonstrate progress in levels of supervision towards those required for the end of the stage of training.
- If the anaesthetist in training has used the ‘Create HALO’ tab then the trainer will be able to see evidence as it is linked to the clusters of key capabilities and will be able to review the supervision levels. This is done by clicking on ‘Review HALO’.
- When reviewing evidence with the anaesthetist in training at regular supervisory meetings, a trainer should see progress with the levels of supervision. The suggested supervision level described in the HALO guide refers to what is expected at the end of the stage of training.
- Towards the end of the stage of training if the anaesthetist in training does not have an SLE which demonstrates the required supervision level, the HALO can still be completed if the assessment faculty agree that the trainee is performing safely at the required level. This should be supported by the Multiple Trainer Report feedback.
- A HALO cannot be approved if there is no evidence linked to a cluster or individual key capability. All clusters or individual key capabilities should have some form of evidence linked.