Guide to Anaesthetics Training (The Handbook)

Published: 11/01/2023

Less than Full Time Training (LTFT)

After appointment any anaesthetist in training, with Deanery agreed eligibility, can request to train less than full time. The training programme will then be delivered on a pro rata basis. Each region has a LTFT adviser who works with the Regional Adviser and the local Deanery to ensure that the needs of those anaesthetists in training are met.

General advice on LTFT is contained in the Gold Guide. In addition, one of the College Bernard Johnson Advisers provides strategic advice to the RCoA on the needs of those in less than full-time training and can be contacted via

An anaesthetist in training applying to train less than full time must provide a ‘well-founded reason’. The 2022 edition of the Gold Guide has removed previous eligibility categories, with their prioritisation, and instead now provides an illustrative list:

  • Anaesthetists in training with a disability or ill health

This may include ongoing medical procedures such as fertility treatment.

  • Anaesthetists in training with caring responsibilities

Eg for children, or for an ill or disabled partner, relative or other dependant.

  • Welfare and wellbeing

There may be reasons not directly related to disability or ill health where anaesthetists in training may benefit from a reduced working pattern. This could have a beneficial effect on their health and wellbeing (eg reducing potential burnout.)

  • Unique opportunities

An anaesthetist in training is offered a unique opportunity for their own personal or professional development and this will affect their ability to train full time (eg training for national or international sporting events, or a short-term extraordinary responsibility such as membership of a national committee or continuing medical research as a bridge to progression in integrated academic training.)

  • Religious commitment

An anaesthetist in training has a religious commitment that involves training for a particular role and requires a specific time commitment resulting in the need to work less than full time.

  • Non-medical development

An anaesthetist in training is offered non-medical professional development (eg management courses, law courses or fine arts courses) that requires a specific time commitment resulting in the need to work less than full time.

  • Flexibility for training and career development

The option to train less than full time with flexibility that might enable development of a broad career portfolio.

LTFT training will only be offered if there are trainers and training experience available and the employing Trust agrees. There are sometimes difficulties with funding which may delay the commencement of a LTFT training post, particularly at points of re-entry into training.

For additional information please see our Flexibility in training webpage.