Confirmation of Stage 1 Equivalence Certificate

Who is the certificate for?

The Confirmation of Stage 1 Equivalence Certificate has been introduced for anaesthetists who, either:

  • do not have a Core Level Training Certificate (CLTC), from training on the 2010 curriculum,
  • do not have a Confirmation of Core Level Equivalence Certificate (CCLE), as per the 2010 curriculum, or
  • are not in a core or stage 1 training post, on the 2021 curriculum

but who are able to demonstrate attainment of the learning outcomes for all stage 1 domains of learning of the 2021 curriculum and have passed the Primary FRCA.

NB Anaesthetists who have a CLTC or CCLE and are in a stage 1 or CT3 'top-up' post will complete the Stage 1 Equivalence Certificate (also known as the EQ1A or EQ1B certificates) on the Lifelong Learning platform (LLp).

What is the certificate for?

The Confirmation of Stage 1 Equivalence Certificate is primarily used to evidence eligibility for recruitment for ST4 anaesthetics applications.

How does the certificate get awarded?

The certificate requires the signature of the local Regional Advisor [Anaesthetics] or Deputy Regional Advisor [Anaesthetics] (Regional Advisor), therefore the applicant must be known to their local Regional Advisor, or at least have been recommended to them through their College Tutor. The Regional Advisor will undertake a thorough review of the applicant's evidence to ensure acquisition of the domains of learning has been demonstrated.

The format of the evidence is at the discretion of the Regional Advisor, who will advise the applicant of any particular requirements. The following supporting documentation has been deemed appropriate evidence but should be used as guidance only - please also refer to stage 1 of the 2021 curriculum:

The Confirmation of Stage 1 Equivalence Certificate can only be issued if the Regional Advisor is fully satisfied that the evidence submitted supports completion of the stage 1  domains of learning. If the Regional Advisor is not fully satisfied with the evidence they can request further documentation from the applicant. If, however, they are still not satisfied following further documentation then they should not sign the certificate. The Regional Advisor's decision in this matter is final.

Who is my local Regional Advisor?

You can download a copy of the list of College representatives here; this includes Regional Advisors, College Tutors, etc. and the hospital or trust in which they work. We are unable to provide personal email addresses or phone numbers for Regional Advisors for data protection reasons; the best way to contact your local Regional Advisor is through the telephone switchboard of their hospital or trust.

What happens when there is no Regional Advisor?

If the anaesthetists has no affiliation to a UK based Regional Advisor (ie they are based outside the UK) they should contact the College at at least two months prior to any national recruitment application window. For details of application windows and any other relevant information regarding eligibility and recruitment processes, please visit the website of the Anaesthetic National Recruitment Office. In these cases a Lead Regional Advisor will review and assess the evidence with a view to awarding the certificate.

Where do I get a copy of the certificate?

You can download an editable Word version of the certificate here. We would advise those who have LLp accounts to upload a copy of the completed certificate to the Milestones and Certificates area.

If you would like to contact us, you can email the Anaesthetics Curriculum and Equivalence Team on or call on 020 7092 1550.

Please let us know what you think. If you feel the information on this page could be improved, please get in touch with us.

Last reviewed: 1 February 2023

Next review due: 31 January 2024