Let me introduce myself, I’m Head of Membership Engagement at the College, and this May will be my fifth anniversary. Over these five years the College has changed, with an increased focus on engaging with our members, so it’s a good time to highlight the work of my team and some top tips to get the most from your membership.
Who are the Membership Engagement team?
We’re a team of six, with three key areas of responsibility: engagement, operations and the College’s contact database system.
If you contact the Membership Engagement team via email, phone or send a request through My RCoA (the members’ portal), you’re likely to have correspondence with Laura, Ewelina, Jess or Naadine. You’re also likely to meet us at events such as the online Let’s Talk sessions or the face-to-face flagship events, Anaesthesia and Winter Symposium.
Managing and developing our contact database is Chris and Zsombor. This system is essential to the College as it holds all our membership information. It enables My RCoA to verify members, providing them access to their accounts and the journals included in their subscription. It also links to the Lifelong Learning Platform, and we’re developing how it links to our event and exam registration system.
We work closely with many of the other teams to ensure we answer your membership queries quickly, but in particular: finance, training, examinations, digital, events and marketing and communications.
What is the remit of the Membership Engagement team?
Our main aim is to provide you with excellent service. We’re often the first point of contact and can assist with most queries, but if we’re unable to help, we forward the query to the relevant team within the College for their review and action.
We have the responsibility of ensuring prospective and existing members join/have the correct membership category, receive their associated benefits, and know about the services the College offers. We continue to review what our members value about their membership. This helps to identify if changes are required, whether that be benefits to members, promoting the work of the College or improving/introducing new services.
Within our remit is managing the College’s membership payment processes, which is our main source of income. Working with the Finance team, we aim to communicate the details of upcoming membership payment(s), process any change requests, and organise payment by direct debit instructions or card payments via My RCoA.
Why do you think anaesthetists in training are important to the College?
Anaesthetists in training are an active group within our membership and provide us with their valuable time to inform us on a wide range of topics, from workforce challenges to modernising our technology. They are always one of the most responsive groups when we send out surveys or requests to get involved with the work of the College. Insights and ideas from anaesthetists in training have helped shape the future focus of the College, ensuring we’re inclusive, sustainable, and innovative.
Anaesthetists in training are the future of the College, as well as the specialty, so their support now, but also beyond training, is key to enabling us to fulfil our strategic aims; championing our membership, shaping the future of our specialties, pursuing excellence in everything we do, and promoting healthier outcomes for all.
What would be your team's top tips for anaesthetists in training, so they get the most out of all the benefits offered by the College?
Stay up to date. Keep an eye on our website and newsletters; President’s News, and The Gas Newsletter.
Make connections. College tutors, regional advisors, anaesthetists in training representatives on Council, including the co-opted representatives, plus representatives that sit on the Anaesthetists in Training Representative Group (ATRG), are all there to support you and be your voice at the College. I would also encourage you to join the Let’s Talk sessions to discuss hot topics with College leaders.
Know your College teams and how they can assist you. The Training team will be your main port of call as they provide a wide range of services for trainees, including managing the Lifelong Learning Platform. The Examination team will support you through the examination process. They, along with the Events and Training teams, provide resources to assist you in your revision and learning. The Membership Engagement team are here to support you with any query about your membership, fees, and benefits.
Activate your My RCoA account, if you have not done so already, as it will make it far easier for you to update your details, choose your preferences and access our publications.
If you have any feedback for the College, please send us an email and we will share with colleagues.
Useful contacts
Membership Engagement
020 7092 1700
020 7092 1550
020 7092 1520
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