MTI - when you are in the UK

MTI - when you are in the UK

Details about the support available to you when you are undertaking your MTI placement in the UK

When you arrive in the UK

When you arrive in the UK, there will be plenty for you to think about and to get sorted as you settle into life in the UK.  In particular, we would remind you to:

  • ensure you arrange and attend your ID check with the GMC (you will not be able to start work without this)
  • provide any information as required by the HR department of your Trust
  • comply with any instructions given to you by the UKVI (if any)
  • provide the College with a scanned copy of your visa, and confirm the date that you will start your placement

When you start your placement

When you begin your placement, there should be support mechanisms in place in order to assist you when you start. In particular you should receive:

  • completing the AoMRC’s MTI Starter’s Report. A copy of it should be sent to the AoMRC and the College. A condition of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges issuing a CoS is that the employing trust completes the Starter Report Form and returns this to them along with a verified copy of your visa and biometric residence permit within two weeks of you starting at the trust. Failure to submit it may result in the AoMRC withdrawing your CoS under the assumption that you have not arrived in the UK. You will not be able to access the Lifelong Learning Platform until the Starter's Report has been submitted
  • a hospital induction
  • a departmental induction (this may be incorporated into the hospital induction, depending on local set up)
  • an initial meeting with your named educational supervisor

If you do not receive any of the above, please contact us and let us know.

Simulation courses available for you

The simulation programme is an induction training package to integrate you into the NHS.

The learning outcomes are catered specifically for you and include:

  • Introduction to flattened hierarchy, multidisciplinary team work
  • Introduction to Common national protocols & guidelines and where to find them
  • National Audit Projects, (NAP) & NELA.
  • Introduction to consent and ethics
  • Checklists, stop before you block
  • Critical incidence – Major haemorrhage, Anaphylaxis, LA toxicity, FONA, ALS
  • Communication skills including shared decision making, breaking bad news and SBAR handover

The following centres will be running the programme in 2024:

Simulation Centre Simulation course date Price CPD Points Contact to reserve your place
Bedford Hospital 11 April 2025 £150 6 Anagha Tambe
Medway NHS Foundation Trust 26 June 2025 and 27 June 2025 £200 10  Akuratiyage Desilva
Royal Preston Hospital, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 11 December 2025 £125 5


The College while you are in the UK

The College is here to support you whilst you undertake your MTI placement. We want to hear from you to know how your placement is going, so do keep in touch with us. In addition, we provide the following support:

  • 12 months free College membership (an application form is set to you along with your MTI approval letter).  This gives you access to many membership benefits, including access to the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLP), access to academic journals and eligibility to sit the FRCA examinations
  • the New to the NHS meeting is a free event organised by the College. The event helps newly appointed MTI doctors to understand their role and responsibilities within the NHS. The morning session includes the GMC's Welcome to UK Practice workshop and afternoon sessions include interactive workshops and discussions specific to MTI doctors. We will email you the dates of these meetings when they are arranged and would advise you to book on as soon as possible as these events are popular
  • the College cannot advise individual doctors on specific episodes of clinical care or medicolegal issues. Support for individual practitioners is in the domain of the medical defence organisations and the College strongly advises anaesthetists and related medical professionals to obtain appropriate independent insurance cover and membership of a medical defence organisation. Useful links to support and wellness organisations can be found here
  • we request that your progress reports be emailed to us (the six-monthly report should be produced every six months). This allows us to see how you are progressing within your post, and to identify if there is any further information/support that we can provide to you. It also provides us with information about the post and hospital that you are training in
  • we run an annual survey for MTI doctors, where it is possible for you to provide anonymous feedback about your placement. We use this as part of our Quality Assurance (QA) mechanisms, so we ask that you provide as much information as possible, be it good or bad. We want to ensure that our MTI doctors are placed in supportive environments and have access to good quality teaching, and feedback received through the survey is used when approving placements in the future. We run a similar survey which is sent to MTI hosts, where we look further at the support that we provide to host hospitals. It is from this feedback that we began running our biannual MTI Hosts days
  • as an MTI doctor, you will receive the discounted trainee rate to attend College events. We have a diverse events programme which we are sure will be of interest to you
  • the College is here to support you. If you have any concerns regarding your placement, please raise these with your Educational Supervisor to begin with. If unresolved, please contact us as we have mechanisms in place to advise/deal with any issues you may have
  • as well as support from College staff, we also have an MTI Leadership Group made up of clinicians who are available to provide support/advice as required. They can be contacted through the Global Partnerships team

If you have any queries or require further information please contact us via or call us on +44 (0)207 092 1559