Preoperative assessment


The main objectives of this unit of training are:

  • to perform a structured preoperative anaesthetic assessment of a patient prior to surgery and recognise when further assessment/optimisation is required
  • to explain options and risks of routine anaesthesia to patients, in a way they understand, and obtain their consent for anaesthesia
  • to formulate a plan for the management of common co-existing diseases, in particular the perioperative plan for the patient with diabetes.

For further information about this unit, select the link below to view the relevant section of the anaesthetic curriculum. 

Introduction to Anaesthesia: Preoperative assessment

Supporting resources

The following links will launch a selection of relevant e-Learning sessions and other resources associated with this unit of training. They will open in a new window. These and other related resources can also be accessed directly from the main menu.

e-Learning Anaesthesia

01_09_02 The Purpose of Preoperative Visiting

01_09_03 History and Examination

01_09_05 ASA Grading and Preoperative Investigations

01_09_06 Risk and Consent


Pre-operative assessment and patient preparation - AAGBI 2010

Consent for anaesthesia - AAGBI 2017