To act as duty anaesthetist without direct supervision from a consultant, the anaesthetist should meet the basic training specifications and have attained the RCoA’s Initial Assessment of Competency in Obstetric Anaesthesia.22 ...
To act as duty anaesthetist without direct supervision from a consultant, the anaesthetist should meet the basic training specifications and have attained the RCoA’s Initial Assessment of Competency in Obstetric Anaesthesia.22
At all times, there should be an on site anaesthetist who has the ability and training to undertake immediate clinical care of all emergency surgical patients. Explicit arrangements should be in place to provide support from additional anaesthetists ap...
At all times, there should be an on site anaesthetist who has the ability and training to undertake immediate clinical care of all emergency surgical patients. Explicit arrangements should be in place to provide support from additional anaesthetists appropriate to local circumstances.
Anaesthesia departments should have a nominated anaesthetist immediately available and free from direct clinical responsibilities to provide cover in clinical emergencies, as well as providing advice and support to other anaesthetists.39 ...
Anaesthesia departments should have a nominated anaesthetist immediately available and free from direct clinical responsibilities to provide cover in clinical emergencies, as well as providing advice and support to other anaesthetists.39
The anaesthetist should not be responsible for performing the cardioversion; an appropriately trained physician, cardiologist or supervised nurse specialist is responsible for this role. Wherever possible, the anaesthetic should be administered by an a...
The anaesthetist should not be responsible for performing the cardioversion; an appropriately trained physician, cardiologist or supervised nurse specialist is responsible for this role. Wherever possible, the anaesthetic should be administered by an appropriately experienced anaesthetist.33