Risks and side effects – nerve damage after a peripheral nerve block

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About this leaflet
This leaflet is about nerve damage which can happen after a peripheral nerve block. It explains the causes and what can be done about it.
About peripheral nerve blocks
The nervous system is used to carry signals from the brain and spinal cord to all parts of the body. Some nerves, known as peripheral nerves, are responsible for sensations and movement and extend all the way to the toes and fingers.
Nerve blocks are anaesthetic injections given around a nerve or a group of nerves to numb a part of the body for certain operations. For example, they are often used for operations on an arm, a hand or a leg or foot. You are normally awake during a peripheral nerve block.
Sometimes a nerve block is used to provide pain relief to help recovery from a bigger operation. In this case, the nerve block may be given during a general anaesthetic.
More information can be found in our leaflet Peripheral nerve blocks.
What does it feel like if I develop nerve damage after a nerve block?
You might feel the following sensations in the area where you had surgery:
- numbness and tingling
- muscle weakness
- aching or sharp, shooting pains
- warm or cold sensations.
You might feel more than one of these at the same time.
How long does it last?
- Most nerve injuries are temporary and will fully recover over a period of about three months.
- Minor nerve injuries usually recover within a few days or weeks.
- More serious nerve injuries can be permanent, but this is rare.
How likely is it to happen?
Out of every 100 people
Most people who had temporary nerve damage recovered in four to six weeks, but 1 in 100 had temporary nerve damage a year after the nerve block.
Out of every 10,000 people
2–5 had permanent nerve damage |
9,995–9,998 did not |
These numbers come from research studies. You can find out about the research we used in our Anaesthesia and risk evidence table.
What can I do if I think I have nerve damage?
If you have nerve damage symptoms that last longer than 48 hours, you should contact the hospital where you had the operation.
The anaesthetist or surgeon (or both) will try to understand where and how the damage has occurred. They might ask you to do some tests and refer you to a neurologist (a doctor who specialises in nerve diseases).
They will discuss a treatment plan with you once they understand what type of nerve damage you have. Treatment may include physiotherapy, exercise, pain relief or sometimes an operation to repair the damaged nerves.
How does nerve damage happen during a peripheral nerve block?
Damage from the needle to the nerve
The needle can touch a nerve and you might feel ‘pins and needles’ or brief pain during the operation. If this happens, you should tell your anaesthetist. It does not mean that the nerve has been damaged, but damage can happen if they do not move the needle.
Damage to the blood vessels around the nerve
The needle can damage a blood vessel near a nerve during the operation.
If a damaged blood vessel bleeds a lot, blood can collect around the area and cause pressure on the nerve. This is known as a haematoma.
Every nerve is supplied by blood vessels that keep it healthy. If the blood supply to a nerve is damaged by the needle, the nerve suffers a lack of oxygen, which can cause damage.
To prevent this from happening, often anaesthetists use an ultrasound machine to help them guide the needle in the correct place.
Very rarely, the drugs used during a peripheral nerve block can irritate the nerve or an infection may develop around the nerve after the operation.
Other causes of nerve damage after a peripheral nerve block
Not all nerve damage is caused by the anaesthetic injection or the peripheral nerve block. To find out more about other types of nerve damage after a general anaesthetic and surgery please visit our page on Risks associated with general anaesthesia.
This leaflet has been produced by Leila Finikarides for the RCoA, in collaboration with patients, anaesthetists and patient representatives of the RCoA.
We try very hard to keep the information in this leaflet accurate and up-to-date, but we cannot guarantee this. We don’t expect this general information to cover all the questions you might have or to deal with everything that might be important to you. You should discuss your choices and any worries you have with your medical team, using this leaflet as a guide. This leaflet on its own should not be treated as advice. It cannot be used for any commercial or business purpose. For full details, please click here.
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Sixth Edition, November 2024
This leaflet will be reviewed within three years of the date of publication.
© 2024 Royal College of Anaesthetists
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