Anaesthesia and risk
Anaesthetic techniques and equipment have greatly improved over the last 60 years, as has the training of anaesthetists to keep you safe.
If you are in good health modern anaesthetics are very safe. All procedures, though, have some risks. The resources in this section are designed to explain the main risks associated with anaesthesia and to support conversations with healthcare professionals about your care.
Risks associated with general anaesthesia
Browse our infographics and leaflets detailing specific risks associated with general anaesthesia, including side effects or complications that could occur.
Risks associated with regional anaesthesia
Browse our leaflets detailing specific risks associated with regional anaesthesia, including side effects or complications that could occur.
Common events & risks for children & young people
These infographics show some of the common events and risks that healthy children and young people of normal weight face when having a general anaesthetic (GA) for routine surgery.