Obituary - Dr David Russell Powell

1940 to 2010
Former consultant cardiothoracic anaesthetist Northern General Hospital, Sheffield (b 1940; q Sheffield 1968; MRCS LRCP, FRCA) died from prostate cancer on 30 June 2010.
Russ played a major role in the evolution of cardiothoracic anaesthesia as a specialty in Sheffield developing paediatric and heart lung transplantation services. He was a founder member, later to be awarded Honorary Life Membership of the Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthetists.
Russ was also active in medical management. He became the first Medical Director of the Northern General Hospital Foundation Trust, a post he held with distinction for seven years. In 2005 he took semi-retirement to concentrate on his role as clinical director of NHS professionals.
A proud Welshman and keen sportsman, his many passions included rugby and fast cars.
Russ influenced the lives of many and will be fondly remembered by all for his love of life and the support he gave. He is survived by his wife Jill and son William from his first marriage.
Dr G K Davies, Dr G Hood and Dr J E Hunsley