Details of our e-Learning projects supporting the training and development of anaesthesiologists in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs)
e-Learning resources
We recognise the value of e-learning resources to contribute to the training of anaesthestists both in the UK and overseas. We are looking to continue to develop these resources, particularly for anaesthetists working in low resource settings.
e-SAFE has been developed and funded by the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) and Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) as an educational tool to support the education, training and continuing professional development of those who are responsible for delivering safe anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine in resource poor environments.
In 2015 the Lancet Commission’s report Global Surgery 2030: evidence and solutions for achieving health, welfare, and economic development turned the spotlight onto the huge challenge facing the delivery of safe anaesthesia in resource poor settings. We believe that the e-SAFE resource will make a valuable contribution to this training need.
The Lancet Commission report prompted a review of e-SAFE, leading to the launch in 2017 of a USB version, e-SAFE Edition II. This has enabled us to expand and update the original 2013 DVD to ensure it remains up-to-date and promotes best practice. The resource is also available online via: http://e-safe-anaesthesia.org
The e-SAFE USB contains over 100 interactive e-learning sessions from the RCoA's e-Learning Anaesthesia programme, AAGBI e-learning sessions and additional video tutorials from the University Hospital Southampton. The project is grateful for the support of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists and Oxford University Press, who have granted permission to include back copies of Update in Anaesthesia, Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week and Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain on this USB.
The USB does not require internet access, making it practical for remote locations. It will run on PC and Mac computers and can be copied to your hard disk. We hope you will find the material on the USB of interest and that it will assist you in the delivery of care to your patients.
We will distribute the resource free of charge to anywhere in the world.

To receive your copy of the e-SAFE USB please email e-safe@rcoa.ac.uk providing the following details:
- Your full name
- Job title
- Organisation
- Full postal address (please be advised that without a complete address, we are not able to send the resource to you)
- Email address
- Number of copies of the USB you wish to receive
Essential Anaesthesia
Essential Anaesthesia is an on-line e-learning programme which is a natural progression from the popular Safer Anaesthesia From Education (e-SAFE).
It is aimed at anaesthesia providers in poorly resourced countries who may be undertaking additional training, such as nurse anaesthetists and clinical officers, as well as medically trained anaesthetists and anaesthesiologists.
The resource includes the e-SAFE modules in the ‘basic folder’ and a further 150 e-learning sessions handpicked from the Royal College of Anaesthetists e-LA platform and from e-PAIN by experienced anaesthetists and anaesthesiologists from all over the world. The resource particularly focuses on paediatrics, obstetrics, critical care, pain, diseases related to anaesthesia and related topics such as X-rays and ECGs.
These sessions are ideal for anaesthesia providers who are planning to set up a critical care unit or pain management service.
In addition, the resource contains 10 sessions for anaesthetists working in ‘austere’ environments or going on humanitarian missions, as well as an extensive e-library and access to other resource.
The programme can be used for teaching, training, self-learning and revision and can be accessed here .
If you have any queries, please contact: Global@rcoa.ac.uk
Anaesthesia for Humanitarian and Austere Environments
This module was developed with support from e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) and the College. It provides an introduction to the differences that anaesthetists find between working in the UK and in resource poor environments. In addition to essential information, it provides practical tips on adapting knowledge and skills to different working environments, limited resources and unfamiliar equipment. It is suitable for any anaesthetist who is either considering work in a resource poor environment or intending to undertake pre-deployment training with an international emergency medical team.
The module is also available on the e-LfH Hub within e-Learning Anaesthesia. Users registered with e-LA may prefer to access the sessions through the Hub where their activity will be recorded and from which they can produce a certificate of completion of the module for inclusion in their learning/cpd portfolio. Alternatively, individual modules can be accessed below.
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If you have any queries or require further information please contact us via global@rcoa.ac.uk or call us on +44 (0)207 092 1559