Research projects

The College is passionate about improving the outcomes and experiences of patients via research and quality improvement

We deliver numerous research projects aimed at improving the outcomes and experiences of patients. Here we provide information on those projects and their outputs.

Since 2011, the College's research projects have been delivered by the RCoA Centre for Research & Improvement (CR&I), formally the Health Services Research Centre (HSRC). The portfolio of projects overseen by the CR&I has continued to expand and now encompasses an exciting spectrum of research and quality improvement initiatives.

Our aspirations will be delivered through strong collaborations with patients and public, professional partners, the international clinical and academic community, and key funding and strategic partners such as the National Institute for Health Research and the Health Foundation, and their wider networks.

The work of the CR&I can only be achieved through a strong alliance between clinicians, patients and academics. We will continue to work together to deliver world-class patient-centred academic work which will support our specialties, the broader NHS and the international community to deliver the highest quality patient care. 

See below for more information on specific research projects.

Are you interested in participating in RCoA research?

If you would like your hospital to take part in any of our ongoing research projects, get in touch and let us know.