CPD Assessor Review Form

We request that reviews are completed by CPD Assessors within two weeks and thank you for your help.

Any questions regarding this process or the role of a CPD assessor should be directed to the CPD and Revalidation team via email: cpd@rcoa.ac.uk or telephone: 020 7092 1729.

Please complete the following details.

Is the content of this event relevant to the CPD needs of career-grade doctors?
Are the learning outcomes clearly defined and do they reflect the overall aim(s) of the event?
Are the teaching delivery methods appropriate to the aim(s) and learning outcomes?
To the best of your knowledge, do the faculty members have relevant experience to deliver the programme?
Are there any comments you wish to make?
Do you approve this event for CPD credits?


Data Protection Statement

The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) is fully committed to the principles of data protection, as set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 (C.12). The RCoA relies on legitimate interests as the lawful basis for processing of personal data. We process and maintain personal data about you so that we can manage your membership, provide you with appropriate products and services and share information with you about RCoA activities.

We will only use your information for the purposes as described and will not pass on your details to other third parties unless you have given us consent to do so.

We use appropriate organisational and technical measures to ensure that your data are secure and protected from loss, misuse and unauthorised access or alteration.

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in your information corrected. If you have any questions about data protection or require further information, please email dpo@rcoa.ac.uk