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“We are concerned that the exclusion from the Government’s proposed pay deal of doctors in training in England and SAS doctors on the reformed contract may exacerbate the NHS staffing crisis at a time when the workforce is already tired and demoralised.
The RCoA has received an updated timetable for Government's work on setting legislation that will guide reforms for all regulatory bodies. There has been a delay in the process, and we now expect regulation towards the end of 2024.
This is a joint statement from the Royal College of Anaesthetists, Association of Anaesthetists and Safe Anaesthesia Liaison Group on for transition to non-Luer (NRFitTM) devices for neuraxial and regional block equipment
CPOC welcomes the HSCC's report which referenced perioperative care and how prehabilitation programmes can reduce post-operative complications.
We welcome the report from the Health and Social Care Committee’s Expert Panel into the health and care workforce.
The RCoA welcomes the publication of the results of the GMC’s National Training survey, which shows that 90% of anaesthetists in training rated their training as good or very good, and nearly 80% felt they had achieved the expected level of practical experience in the previous year.
RCoA Council has agreed a process to increase representation for Anaesthetists in Training (AiT) and Fellows in Training (FiT) on College Council, which along with the Board of Trustees is one of the College’s two main decision-making bodies.