SALG website is now live

Published: 27/05/2021

Today, the Royal College of Anaesthetists is launching a new website from the Safe Anaesthesia Liaison Group (SALG).

SALG is a collaborative project to promote patient safety across the perioperative pathway. It represents a partnership between the Royal College of Anaesthetists, the Association of Anaesthetists and NHS England / NHS Improvement.

The new site features:

  • a full list of upcoming events
  • all back issues of SALG's quarterly Patient Safety Updates
  • opportunities for funding and fellowships
  • various forms for reporting Patient Safety Incidents
  • alerts and recalls for drugs and medical devices
  • monthly Drug Safety Updates.

SALG administers a network of regional safety leads in anaesthesia, who are responsible for disseminating information and providing feedback from all aspects of the anaesthesia care pathway.

We also have a safety network, which is used to disseminate relevant alerts and the patient safety update, a quarterly publication providing a precis of cases reported through the national reporting system for discussion at departmental governance meetings. You may join this distribution list by emailing SALG.