Nominations Open: Election to RCoA Council

Published: 16/09/2024

Self-nominations for election to the Council of The Royal College of Anaesthetists are now open.

Successful candidates will take up their positions in March 2025 and will provide a hugely important contribution to the busy working life of the College. Full information about the commitment required and the key areas of work carried out by Council members can be found in the role description. All those wishing to be elected are asked to read this document carefully before beginning an application. 

  • 4 consultant vacancies: to be eligible for this vacancy you must Fellows by Examination or a Fellow Ad Eundem who are on the specialist register  

    Members elected to these vacancies will succeed Dr Fiona Donald, Dr Helgi Johannsson, Dr Felicity Plaat and Dr Michael Swart, who will demit from Council in March 2025 after finishing their terms of office

  • 1 Staff and Associate Specialist (SAS) vacancy: those eligible to stand are Fellows and Members of the College who, on election, are not a consultant nor a trainee. 

    The Fellow or Member elected to this vacancy will succeed Dr Sunil Kumar, who will demit from Council in March 2025.

Please read the full eligibility information in Appendix A of the role description carefully before beginning your application. Please note that there are no Anaesthetist in Training Council vacancies in this election. 

How to stand for election 
Our election will be delivered via our election services provider, Civica.  Visit Civica to find detailed instructions on how to self-nominate. You will be asked to submit a 500-word election statement along with the contact details and college reference numbers of three Fellows who support your application. You will also be asked to upload a photograph and short CV; both are optional but recommended.

You can begin your application, save it and return to it without losing your work as long as you use the Save for Later button at the bottom of the form. Please note that the election ballot will list candidates in the order that their completed nominations were received. Nominations close on Monday 14 October at 12 noon, and the College is unable to accept nominations after that point.

We have a clear commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion within the College. These principles are embedded into our values and the way we work. We therefore welcome applications from eligible candidates with a variety of perspectives, experiences and backgrounds.

Election Timetable 

  • Monday 16 September 2024: Self-Nomination open via our election website. 
  • Monday 14 October 2024 at 12 noon: Self-Nominations close. All completed nominations must be received on the online platform by this date. Any nominations or supporting materials received after this date and time will not be accepted.
  • Wednesday 13 November 2024: Ballot emails distributed. Ballots will be sent electronically by electoral services provider Civica to all eligible voters using the email address members have registered at the College. The ballot process will be managed and verified by Civica.
  • Wednesday 4 December 2024 at 12 noon: Voting closes.
  • Thursday 5 December 2024: Results announced. The election results will be declared via the College website as soon as possible following the ballot count and after all the candidates have been notified. The results will also be published in the President’s eNewsletter and the Bulletin.
  • 5 March 2025: New members will be admitted to their first Council meeting.

Contact Information