New ACCS website helps users find resources more easily
Today the Royal College of Anaesthetists is pleased to announce the launch of a new ACCS website. The website has been created to support ACCS training programme directors, supervisors, doctors in training, and others in understanding, implementing, and working with the recently redeveloped ACCS training programme.
The RCoA in partnership with the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, the Royal College of Emergency Medicine and the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board have ensured that all the content included on the website has been reviewed to ensure it is relevant to users and comprises all necessary resources. The content available on the new platform will be kept up to date by all partner specialties.
The new website has been restructured to make it easier to navigate and with a clearer, fresher design and users will now find information much more quickly. The new website retains useful resources, helping to support the implementation of the new curriculum.