Leng Review of Physician Associate and Anaesthesia Associate Professions
I would like to update members on the College's engagement with the independent review of Physician and Anaesthesia Associate Professions, led by Professor Gillian Leng and commissioned by the government in November last year.
As the professional body responsible for safeguarding standards in anaesthesia in the UK, our input into the review is crucial. We are doing all we can to ensure the review fully considers the evidence we have gathered from our members and commissioned from other sources.
I have represented the College at two roundtables chaired by Professor Leng and attended by multiple stakeholders. Given the review’s remit includes both PA and AA roles, the conversations have been wide-ranging. As you know, the AA role is distinct from that of PAs and must be given consideration in its own right. I have written to Professor Leng to request a separate meeting with College representatives so that we can have a more focused conversation on the AA role.
Evidence submission
In January, we submitted evidence to the review, drawing on our data collection and membership engagement in recent years, including:
- The Interim Anaesthesia Associate Scope of Practice 2024, including the explanatory notes for implementation and the report and data tables from our member consultation on the draft scope of practice. We also submitted the 2016 Scope of Practice for AAs on qualification (now superseded by the 2024 version).
- The report and data tables from our survey of members’ perceptions and experiences of AAs, published in April 2024.
- A systematic review of the role of non-physician providers of anaesthesia, commissioned by the College and undertaken by Cochrane Response, published in July 2024.
- The Anaesthetic Workforce: UK State of the Nation Report 2024.
- The letter from the RCoA to the Clinical Leaders in Anaesthesia Network (CLAN) requesting clinical leaders pause a) recruitment of new, student AAs and b) the development of enhanced roles for AAs, sent in February 2024.
- Guidance issued by the College affirming that training for anaesthetists in training should be prioritised, published in January 2024.
- Principles to guide healthcare professionals on how to introduce themselves, published in August 2024.
- The resolutions and outcome of the Extraordinary General Meeting held in October 2023.
- Updates to members about the implementation of the EGM resolutions, from November 2023, December 2023, May 2024 and August 2024.
Further information
On 21 February, the Leng Review published a call for evidence for organisations and for individuals submitting unpublished research. The review team has also confirmed a survey is forthcoming for PAs and AAs and the teams that work with them.
I will keep you updated on our contribution to the review.
Dr Claire Shannon