Joint comment on the scope of practice for anaesthesia associates
Royal College of Anaesthetists and Association of Anaesthesia Associates joint comment on the scope of practice for anaesthesia associates
The Royal College of Anaesthetists is responsible for setting standards for anaesthesia in the UK, including the curriculum and scope of practice for anaesthesia associates (AAs).
We note that the British Medical Association (BMA) has published scope of practice guidance for Medical Associate Professions, including AAs. To clarify, there is already a scope of practice for AAs upon qualification, which is applicable across the UK. This is set out in our 2016 guidance: Planning the introduction and training for anaesthesia associates. This scope of practice is the one used to guide current practice, with some exceptions for experienced AAs as set out in our recent letter to the Clinical Leaders in Anaesthesia Network (CLAN).
We understand the need to have a scope of practice for AAs beyond the point of qualification and the College is in the process of developing one. Consultation with members and other stakeholders, will be an important part of the process. This scope of practice will take effect when regulation for AAs begins later this year. The College has long advocated for regulation, as has the Association of Anaesthetists and the Association of Anaesthesia Associates. Regulation will provide statutory safeguards for patients by applying rules around training, registration, governance and fitness to practise for all AAs in the UK.