Forthcoming consultation on the draft Anaesthesia Associate Scope of Practice 2024

Published: 16/09/2024

The Royal College of Anaesthetists will shortly conduct a consultation on the draft Anaesthesia Associate (AA) Scope of Practice 2024.

As the organisation responsible for safeguarding standards in anaesthesia, it is our role to agree a workable and safe scope of practice for AAs, both at the point of qualification and beyond, including required levels of supervision.

We have consulted widely during the development of the draft AA Scope of Practice. The Association of Anaesthetists and RA-UK have had input as members of the Core Writing Group. We have also worked collaboratively with our representative Clinical Reference Group and others over many months. Member views are a crucial part of the consultation process and will be carefully considered. 

The draft AA Scope of Practice is recommended by the College. We believe it will enable AAs to continue to deliver patient care under supervision while also addressing the concerns we have heard from our members about patient safety. 

The consultation questions have been agreed by Council and we have commissioned an independent agency, Research by Design to administer the consultation our behalf.

How eligible members can participate in the consultation

The consultation is anonymous and open to all members who are currently working as anaesthetists or anaesthesia associates – including those in training – in the NHS/HSC.

All eligible members will receive an email from with a link to the survey by Wednesday 25 September.

If you meet the eligibility criteria above and have not received an email by Wednesday 25 September (and you have checked your junk/spam folder) then please email with your name and College Reference Number (CRN).

Before responding to the consultation please ensure you have read both the draft Anaesthesia Associate Scope of Practice 2024 and the accompanying briefing information that provides the context for its development.

The consultation will close on Monday 21 October and we will share the findings with members in due course.

How relevant organisations can participate in the consultation

Relevant organisations that would like to provide feedback on the draft Anaesthesia Associate Scope of Practice are invited to do so by submitting their response in writing to the College. All feedback on the draft is welcome although we are particularly interested to know whether responding organisations believe the AA Scope of Practice can be implemented.

Responses from organisations should be emailed to by the consultation closing date of 21 October 2024.

Please note that responses from organisations are not anonymous and may be published on our website after the consultation has closed and Council has considered the responses.