Dr Ramai Santhirapala appointed to RCoA Board of Trustees

Published: 13/09/2024

The Royal College of Anaesthetists is pleased to announce that Dr Ramai Santhirapala has been appointed to the Board of Trustees, with terms of office commencing immediately. Ramai has been an Elected Council Member since March 2021. 

The Royal College of Anaesthetists is governed by a Board of Trustees of up to 12, five of whom are elected from within Elected Council Members, by those members and the Deans of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and Faculty of Pain Medicine.  

Trustees are appointed for a three-year term. 

 Dr Claire Shannon, President of the College and Chair of the Board of Trustees said:   

I’d like to offer my congratulations to Ramai and welcome her to the College’s Board. The work of the Board of Trustees is extremely important for the running of the College, so it is vital that there are people willing to take on that challenge. I look forward to continuing to work with our Board members, other volunteers and staff to deliver our charitable objects, set and monitor the College strategy and ensure proper and effective management of the College’s finances and assets.”