Dr Claire Shannon takes up office as President of the RCoA

Published: 11/09/2024

Dr Claire Shannon begins her term as President of the Royal College of Anaesthetists today, succeeding Dr Fiona Donald. Dr Chris Carey and Dr Toni Brunning also begin their terms as Vice Presidents. 

Claire was elected President earlier this year, having been Vice President of the College since September 2023 and an elected Council Member since March 2018. She has Chaired the College’s Clinical Quality and Research Board, playing a leading role in our work to uphold standards in the perioperative pathway, widen access to research and facilitate more active patient involvement. 

Claire has been an advocate for doctors in training throughout her consultant career, having served as a College Tutor, Training Programme Director, Regional Adviser, FRCA examiner and deputy Chair of our Education, Training and Examinations Board. 

Commenting on the commencement of her Presidency, Claire said:  

"I look forward to leading the College over the coming years and to continuing to advocate for our members, the specialty and patients in these challenging times for healthcare.  

Our members are committed to providing the highest possible standards in anaesthetic and perioperative care and we are here to support them to do that. In doing so we benefit from the expertise of thousands of members who volunteer their time to help us deliver our work in training, education, research and much more. I’m very grateful to them all.  

On behalf of everyone at the College I extend my heartfelt thanks to Fiona Donald for her expert leadership over the last three years. It’s been a privilege to work alongside Fiona, who has made a huge and valuable contribution to the College and the specialty."