College Awards Winter 2025
We are pleased to announce the award winners from the last meeting of the Nominations Committee held on 9 January 2025
Frederick Hewitt Lecture
Professor Helen Higham
Helen is an Associate Professor in the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Oxford, a Consultant Anaesthetist at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Associate Dean for Simulation and Patient Safety at Health Education England - Thames Valley.
Her research interests include human factors and simulation-based education in healthcare with current projects focused on system-based approaches to safety in primary care, human factors in low to middle income healthcare settings and the use of virtual reality to train healthcare professionals.
She is a senior clinician, an academic expert, and a pioneer in the fields of stimulation and human factors. There is no doubt that her research has advanced both the science and art of anaesthetic practice.
Professor Higham will deliver her lecture and receive her award at the RCoA annual conference in Belfast, May 2025.
President’s Commendation
Dr Omar Jundi has been awarded the President’s Commendation in recognition of outstanding support to his trainees. His development of his customised Anaesthetic Department app has significantly enhanced the training experience and facilitated the sharing of a wealth of information in a centralised location. He is a Consultant in Anaesthesia and intensive Care Medicine at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, where he has worked for 5 years.
Dr Jundi will be receiving his award and demonstrating his app at the College Tutors' meeting 2025.
President’s Commendation
Dr Sophie Bishop has been awarded the President's Commendation in acknowledgment of her outstanding contributions to the training and well-being of anaesthetic trainees. Through her positions as TPD, College Tutor, and Educational Supervisor, she has had a profound impact on the careers of numerous trainees, many of whom have shared testimonials in support of her nomination.
Dr Bishop is a Consultant Anaesthetist at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Bishop will be presented with her award at the College Tutors' meeting 2025.
College Medal
Dr Nirmala ‘Nimmi’ Soundararajan is a consultant anaesthetist at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. She is also a co-opted member of Council, representing Regional Advisors.
Nimmi has been awarded the College Medal for her significant contribution to the College. Over the years she has worked with the College she has held many posts and is currently a Regional Adviser for anaesthesia, Final FRCA examiner, member of the APAGBI Council, with responsibility for safeguarding, member of the CESR DIG group, ACSA reviewer and CESR programme coordinator. She also heads up many training programmes in her NHS Trust.
Nimmi represents the best of education. She is a pillar holding up training and education within the specialty, both locally and regionally. She is a mentor and sounding board to numerous current trainees and previous trainees (many of whom were pleased to give testimonials in support of her award).
Dr Soundararajan with receive her award at RCoA Diplomates Day to be held 5 September 2025 in London.
Fellow ad Eundem
Dr Fatma Mohamed Farid Ibrahim Lahloub was awarded the Fellow ad Eundem.
Dr Lahloub will receive his certificate at the RCoA Diplomates Day.
If you would like to nominate a Colleague for an award, you can find further information via the link below. Or alternatively email with any queries you may have. We accept nominations throughout the year and will discuss them at the first available meeting.