GLP-1 receptor agonists - Anaesthesia 2024 podcast
In the last of our Anaesthesia 2024 annual conference podcasts, Dr Ramai Santhirapala talks to Dr Kariem El-Boghdadly following his talk on GLP-1 receptor agonists in May 2024 at Glasgow Caledonian University.
Kariem and Ramai discuss how GLP-1 receptor agonists affect gastric emptying and the subsequent risk of pulmonary aspiration, what anaesthetists can do about that, and what guidance we can look forward to around this area.
They also discuss the work and achievements that led to Kariem being awarded the Dudley Buxton prize for ‘meritorious work in anaesthesia or in a science contributing to the progress of anaesthesia,' including how he got involved in research, with his advice for budding future researchers.
Additional information:
[Recorded May 2024]

Dr Ramai Santhirapala is an RCoA Council Member and Consultant Anaesthetist at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust, London, and Honorary Associate Professor at UCL.
Ramai has published in the remit of novel devices, perioperative care and shared decision making and has a keen interest in ensuring healthcare decisions are made in partnership with patients and has represented anaesthesia at the national and international level within this remit. She is a firm advocate that workforce wellbeing lies at the heart of high quality patient care, and believes an inclusive and diverse workforce brings opportunities, fresh perspectives and creative solutions.

Kariem is a Consultant Anaesthetist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Cleveland Clinic London, as well as an Honorary Reader at King’s College London. He is the Clinical Service Lead as well as the Research and Development Lead for Theatres, Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine at Guy’s and St Thomas’.
His interests include regional anaesthesia, airway management, perioperative medicine and research delivery. He is the Scientific Officer for the Difficult Airway Society, Senior Editor of Anaesthesia Journal; developed multiple innovations for practice; has written four books and several book chapters; and is well-published in peer-reviewed literature. Kariem was awarded the 2022 Featherstone Professorship by the Association of Anaesthetists.