Heritage Series, Episode 2 Part 1: The early history of the Journals
In this episode of Anaesthesia on Air, join David Bogod and Eleanor Shaw in conversation about the early years of the academic journals. The episode is in two parts and Part 1 will look at the history of journals from the inception of the BJA in 1923 to the end of the Second World War.
This is the second in a series of podcasts devised by the RCoA Heritage Committee to look at the history of the College and the history of anaesthesia.
The series is chaired by Dr Anna Maria Rollin current Chair of the Heritage Committee
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(Recorded 9th April 2023)

David started as an Editor at Anaesthesia in 1995 and took over as Editor-in-Chief from 2003-2009. He has also chaired the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia, was a Board Member of BJA and chaired the BJA-RCOA Liaison Committee.

Eleanor Shaw is a PhD Candidate at the University of Manchester. Eleanor’s PhD looks at the history of the British Journal of Anaesthesia during the 20th century, exploring the development of academic journal publishing, the journal’s relationship to the anaesthesia community, and the impact of these changes on the research it funded and published.

This session will be chaired By Dr Anna Maria Rollin a retired consultant anaesthetist and Chair of the RCoA Heritage Committee
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