Anaesthesia 2018 podcast | Adverse outcomes and patient optimisation
This was recorded on the 22nd May 2018.
Adverse outcomes, we all know they happen but how do we handle them, record them and avoid them in the first place? The discussion then moves to (Patient Recorded Outcome Measures) PROMS.
Patient optimisation is then discussed. Exercise, could it be so effective because it works as an anti inflammatory? A deep dive into the research on that is contained in this conversation.
The RELIEF trial is discussed as the team get into a discussion about what a patient sees as a good outcome. How do we communicate the risks, possible benefits and limitations, of surgery to patients?
Also in this piece, find out about a fascinating community-based multimodal prehabilitation service.
Desiree Chappell and Joff Lacey are presenting with their guests Dr Mark Edwards, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine at The University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Truth and Professor Gerard Danjoux, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Sleep Medicine at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Recorded by TopMed Talk

Joff (Jonathan) Lacey is a registrar in anaesthesia at St George's Hospital in London, and is currently undertaking a fellowship in Perioperative medicine at UCLH

Professor Gerard Danjoux is a Consultant Anaesthetist at South Tees Hospitals (appointed 2002) and holds a Visiting Chair at Teesside University. His clinical interests include preoperative evaluation and preparation of patients for high-risk surgery, CPET and sleep medicine. His work in prehabilitation is internationally recognised, having led NIHR-funded research in this area. He has established a community-based multimodal prehabilitation service in South Tees (Health Foundation funded) and plans to extend this work through a recently secured Sports England grant. Gerard holds other national roles including: member of Perioperative Medicine Leadership Committee (RCoA), faculty for European and National Perioperative CPET Practicums, and co-organiser of the second World Prehabilitation Congress.

Mark is an anaesthetist/perioperative physician and researcher at University Hospital Southampton. His clinical activities include anaesthesia for major adult surgery, preoperative assessment/optimisation and developing clinical services within perioperative medicine. He completed his higher degree in perioperative immunology and postoperative morbidity at University College London before moving to Southampton in 2013. He is now Chief Investigator of the NIHR-funded FLO-ELA (FLuid Optimisation in Emergency LAparotomy) trial, Deputy Chief Investigator of the OPTIMISE II trial and a collaborator on the GAP Gabapentin trial. Research support roles within Wessex include NIHR CRN Specialty Group Lead for Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain, and Wessex School of Anaesthesia academic training lead. He is an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Southampton.

Board of Directors, American Society of Enhanced Recovery (ASER). A passionate ambassador of Enhanced Recovery and Perioperative Care. Desiree is the creator of the popular Roundtable perioperative care blog.