Dr Victoria Marjorie Brown

Personal Details

Dr Victoria Marjorie Brown LRCP MRCS BM BCh MA FFARCS DA

(nee Robinson)

19/03/1901 to 12/01/1993

Place of birth: Marylebone, London, UK

Nationality: British

CRN: 525585

Education and qualifications

General education

Oxford University and King’s College Medical School, London 1924-30. In 1930 at King’s College Hospital she was awarded “Senior Scholar”, the Todd Medal for Clinical Medicine, and the Specialist Prize for Diseases of Children.

Primary medical qualification(s)

LRCP London, MRCS Eng., 1930

MA,  BM BCh, University of Oxford, 1930

Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Election

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

DA (RCP&S), 1944

Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

After qualifying she was House Officer, and then Resident Medical Officer to Nursing Staff, and Clinical Assistant in the Opthalmology Department of King’s College Hospital.

By 1933 she moved to Chudleigh, South Devon where she was listed in the medical practice of Cromie, McGregor and Brown until 1945. Presumably this included anaesthetics as she passed the DA in 1944. By 1946 she was an Honorary Anaesthetist at Torbay, Paignton, and Newton Abbot Hospitals, as well as Hawkmoor Sanatorium. In 1953 she was appointed Consultant Anaesthetist to the Thoracic Surgical Unit, Hawkmoor Chest Hospital and Torbay Hospital Group. She remained in this post until her retirement about 1972.


Professional interests and activities

She was a member of the British Medical Association

Other biographical information

Victoria married George Stephenson Brown (who had been previously married) at Camberwell, London in 1931. They had two children: Michael born in 1936 and Georgina in 1940. Her husband predeceased her in 1971. She died at the age of 93years at Teinbrige, Devon and was buried at Chudleigh.

Author and sources


Dr Innes Simon Chadwick

Sources and comments:

Bibliographic and family information accessed online at Ancestry.com

The GMC Medical Registers and The Medical Directory accessed online at Ancestry.com

The Medical Directories 1931 - 1974 accessed at Edinburgh University Library by Dr A.G. McKenzie.

Memorial Plaque picture on Ancestry.com.