Dr Thomas Arthur Copp

Personal Details

Dr Thomas Arthur Copp FFARCSMRCS LRCP DA 

14/11/1918 to 25/12/2011

Place of birth: Hampstead, London

Nationality: British

CRN: 497545

Education and qualifications

General education

Merchant Taylor School, 1924-1936

Primary medical qualification(s)

MRCS LRCP 1943,  St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School,  London 1937-43

Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Election

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

DA 1945


Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

Thomas Arthur Copp was born on 14th  November 1918, three days after the  armistice  of WW1, in Hampstead London, where his father Arthur was a builder and decorator.  He was educated at Merchant Taylor School from 1924-1936. Following this he entered St. Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, qualifying MRCS LRCP and entering onto the medical register in January 1943.

Following medical school during his initial year in 1943, he worked  as a junior medical officer from the February at Lambeth LCC Hospital and then as a  resident medical officer at Putney Hospital  from September until March 1944. This was followed by a post as Resident Anaesthetist at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton for approximately 2 years until April 1946.

From April 1946 to January 1948,  Dr. Copp has recorded that he was an anaesthetic specialist in the RAF Volunteer Reserves entering as a Flt. Lieutenant and gaining the rank of Squadron Leader. Unfortunately little is known about his war service.

Following war service he returned to Brighton,  where he completed his senior registrar training and was appointed as a Consultant Anaesthetist in July 1951. He remained there until retiring from full time practice at 65 years. Following this he undertook some part time locum sessions at the hospital until finally relinquishing his laryngoscope in 1987.  

In his self submitted biographical form,  Dr Copp answers the question of why he took up anaesthesia as a specialty as follows: that during his first post he was encouraged by the Resident Surgical Officer to start giving the anaesthetics for theatre cases and he enjoyed the practical aspects which this offered, and he subsequently became interested in the theory of the specialty.  

Professional interests and activities

During his career, Dr Copp, was quite active  with the local Brighton Division of the British Medical Association, as a member of the medical executive committee and chair of the medical staff committee. He also served his time  as Chairman of the Anaesthetic Division at his  hospital. He was active with  several district and strategic  health authority roles both as member and chair of various groups and committees. This included chairing the health authority district management team. He was also part of a “Legal Actions” Working Party at S.E. Thames RHA.

Outside his hospital work he undertook a voluntary role with the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade for many years as a Divisional Surgical Officer.  

Other biographical information

Outside of medicine he was a Church Warden for many years and a member of Gideons International, also described  his religion as a practising Evangelical Christian of the Church of England. His other listed interests were walking,  photography and badminton. 

Thomas married Peggy Eileen Bates in May 1943 and they had two  sons and two daughters. He passed away on Christmas Day of  2011 at the age of 93.

Author and sources

Author: Innes Simon Chadwick

Sources and comments: 

Information obtained from Dr Copp’s self submitted biographical college “Boulton Form” dated 1988. Any further information would be welcome.

GMC UK Medical Register 1959 p441 accessed on line Ancestry.com

The London Gazette Supplement, 3 May 1946, 37556 p2171

The London Gazette, 29 November 1974, 46417 p12002

Biographical information accessed on line via Ancestry.com.