Dr Martin Paul Sherwood

Personal Details

Dr Martin Paul Sherwood MRCS LRCP FFARCS DA MB  BChir

Known as: Paul

15/11/1916 to 31/10/2010

Place of birth: Winchmere Hill, Middlesex, England

Nationality: British

CRN: 536208

Education and qualifications

General education

Port Regis Prep School, Shaftesbury, Dorset.

Epsom College, Surrey 1932-37

Queens College Cambridge and Westminster Medical School, London: 1938-42

Primary medical qualification(s)

MRCS Eng., LRCP Lond., 1942

Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Election

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

DA (RCP&S), 1944

MB BChir, University of Cambridge, 1955

Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

After graduation Sherwood’s house jobs included training in anaesthetics at Westminster Hospital. By 1944 he joined the staff of St Bartholomew’s Hospital, passed the DA and was designated Registrar. He went on to work in several hospitals in the greater London area, including King George V Hospital at Godalming, Pinewood Hospital near Crowthorne, and the Surrey Chest Hospital at Milford; all these cared for patients suffering with tuberculosis.

By 1953 he was appointed a Consultant (specialist in chronic disease) to the south-west and south-east Metropolitan Regional Hospital Boards (renamed SW and SE Thames Regional Health Authority in the 1970s). He continued in this post until his retirement in about 1982.

Professional interests and activities

While at King George V Hospital (Godalming, Surrey) in 1951, Sherwood helped Dr Konstam in overcoming the difficulties in establishing artificial pneumothorax, performing thoracoscopy and dividing adhesions in TB patients with severe contralateral lung disease. He provided oxygen via facemask and anaesthetic apparatus with carbon dioxide absorption after obtaining the confidence and cooperation of the patients – with augmentation of breaths.

Later in the 1950’s Sherwoood turned his interests towards the treatment of non-specific back pain. He developed a significant private practice at 2 Devonshire Place, London. His holistic approach brought him patients from far and wide, including celebrities. Paul published five books on the topic including his bestselling book “The Back and Beyond”. He continued to treat patients until 2009  when he suffered a severe stroke from which he never fully recovered.


Other biographical information

Paul Sherwood married twice: first in 1952 to Nadia Henly (divorced in 1965), and again in 1966 to Diana Bromhead. He had a daughter from the first marriage and two sons from the second marriage. His interests included a passion for music, and motorsport. He was a stalwart enthusiast with his son Robin of the Motor Sports Association Euroclassic Rally - annually taking part in this 2000 mile event across Europe, right up to the age of 92. He passed away in Watford aged 93 years.


Author and sources


Dr Innes Simon Chadwick

Sources and comments:

Ancestry.com for family details and the Medical Register 1959.

Medical Directories 1944-84 accessed at University of Edinburgh Library by Dr A.G. McKenzie

Education and professional details accessed 30 June 2024 at https://www.facebook.com/paul.sherwood.7399/?_rdr

Exam results: MP Sherwood. St Bartholomew’s Hospital Journal July 1944.

Konstam M, Sherwood MP. Thoracoscopy and aided breathing in the dyspnoeic patient. British Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of the Chest 1951; 45: 140-1.

Sherwood, Paul. The Back and Beyond: Hidden Effects of Back Pain on Your Health:  London: Arrow Books Ltd., 1992.

The Tatler Magazine 1952. Accessed on line: FindmyPast.

Manchester Evening News: 12 April 1965. Accessed on line: FindmyPast.

Photograph available at: Shott, Caroline. Obituary. Pioneering anaesthetist and physician who developed the Sherwood Technique for the relief of back pain. The Independent (Newspaper) London, 27 December 2010.  Accessed online.