Dr Margot Wilhelmine Goldsmith

Personal Details

Dr Margot Wilhelmine Goldsmith MD LRCP LRCS LRCP&S FFARCS DA

(formerly known as Margot Wilhelmine Goldschmidt)

03/10/1898 to 1988

Place of birth: Berlin, Germany

Nationality: British

CRN: 715784

Education and qualifications

General education

Private tuition aged 12 to 17 years, followed by 4 years of war service in the Red Cross, where she was an anaesthetic nurse. She then had a further year of private tuition to matriculate. In 1920 she entered the University of Jena for a year’s study of of law and history, and then spent 4.5 years studying medicine at the Universities of Heidelberg, Berlin, Freiburg and Bern.

Primary medical qualification(s)

MD Freiburg, 1927. LRCP (Edin) LRCS (Edin) LRCP&S (Glasg) 1938

Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Election

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

DA (RCP&S) 1946

Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

1926-28: University Hospital, Halle.

1928-30: Western Hospital, Berlin.

1931-35: General Practitioner, Berlin.

1936-38: Studies and examinations at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

From 1939 to 1947 she worked as a General Practitioner in the Edinburgh area. Concurrently, from 1940 she was employed as an anaesthetist at the following hospitals in Edinburgh: Royal Infirmary, Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic Hospital, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Bruntsfield Women’s Hospital and Roodlands Hospital. In 1947 she was appointed a NHS Consultant Anaesthetist at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and she remained in service there until her retirement in 1959. According to The Medical Registers, her name was changed from Goldschmidt to Goldsmith by the 1948 entry.

Professional interests and activities

Margot Goldsmith was interested in endocrinology and metabolism. She published several papers on the metabolic effects and metabolism of thiopentone and trichlorethylene.  

Other biographical information

She married a banker in 1929 and they had one son, who became a computer specialist. She enjoyed walking, swimming, skiing  and dance, and  remained physically active until her last years.

Author and sources


Dr Alistair McKenzie

Sources and comments:

Dr Goldsmith’s self submitted biographical college “Boulton form” dated 1988.

Qualifications confirmed in The Medical Register.

Publications confirmed in the journals.