Dr Kirstin May

Author: Dr Kirstin May
Dr Kirstin May
Elected Council Member, SAS Doctor representative


Med State Exam FRG 1994, MRCA, MRCP (UK)

Term of office on Council




Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


Having originally qualified from Medical School in Germany in 1994, I arrived in the UK the same year for postgraduate training, initially in General Medicine, later in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Following the birth of two children I became a SAS anaesthetist in 2003. My clinical job plan includes sessions at a very small district hospital (Horton Hospital Banbury) as well as a tertiary centre in Oxford, both part of Oxford University Hospitals.

My non-clinical interests include coaching/mentoring, appraisal and supporting International Medical Graduates.

I have served a first term on College Council from 2015 to 2021 and was the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges SAS chair from 2016 to 2019.

My annualised job plan allows me to spend time with family, fresh air in the local countryside and travel.

Register of Interests

No conflicts of interest to declare. No private medical practice.