Dr Katharine Georgina Lloyd-Williams

14/02/1896 to 10/01/1973
Place of birth: Oswestry, Wales
Nationality: British
CRN: 715220
Also known as: Kitty to family and very close friends
Education and qualifications
General education |
Queen Anne’s School, Caversham, 1908-1915, winning School Form Prizes in 1911 & 1912 and member of 1st Lacrosse XII, 1909; Bedford Physical Training College, 1915-17; London School of Medicine for Women, 1921-26, member of Hockey 1st XI, Captain of Cricket XI and member of University of London XI. President, University of London Athletic Union (Women), 1922-23. |
Primary medical qualification(s) |
MBBS, University of London, 1926; MRCS LRCP, 1926. |
Initial Fellowship and type |
FFARCS by Election |
Year of Fellowship |
1948 |
Other qualification(s) |
Physical Training Diploma, 1917, Bedford Physical Training College; MD, 1929, University of London. |
Professional life and career
Postgraduate career
Before studying medicine: taught Physical Education at a school in Hull, 1917-19; Physiotherapist, Massage Department, St Thomas’s Hospital, London, 1919-21. After graduation: House Surgeon, Royal Free Hospital, 1926; House Physician, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, 1927; Resident Anaesthetist, Royal Free Hospital, 1928; General Practice, Bloomsbury London, 1928; Honorary Anaesthetist to Gynaecology and Obstetric Unit, Royal Free Hospital, Princess Louise Hospital Kensington, East Ham Memorial Hospital, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital and Eastman Dental Clinic, all in the early 1930s; Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Free Hospital, 1934-1962.
Professional interests and activities
Published book on ‘Anaesthesia and analgesia in labour’, 1934; Member, British Medical Association, 1936; Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine, 1945; Member, Medical Women’s Federation, 1947; Vice Dean, London School of Medicine for Women, 1944, & Dean, 1945-47; Dean, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, 1947-62; Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of London, 1956-60; Representative on Senate of General Medical Schools, 1954-62; President, Section of Anaesthetics, BMA Annual Meeting, 1946; President, Section of Anaesthetics, RSM, 1956-57; Member, North-West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board, 1948-63; President, Medical Women’s Federation, 1958-59; Member, Board of Governors, Royal Free Hospital; Visitor, King Edward VII Hospital Fund; Served on King’s Fund Auxillary Committee & Board of Management of the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund; Elected to General Medical Council, 1961-71; also member of Board of Governors of Moorfields Eye Hospital, Central Council for District Nursing, Council of Cheltenham Ladies College, Hilda Martindale Trust and Reid Trust. Awarded CBE in 1956.
Other biographical information
Ran a welfare clinic for children in South London as a ‘relaxation’ through 1950s and 60s. Never married, and on retirement moved back to family home in Lampeter, Cardiganshire, Wales. Collected pictures, played piano and violin well, loved travel & walking and was an enthusiastic gardener. Insulin dependent diabetic in later life, and died in Faro, Portugal where she was buried. Service of Remembrance held 22 March 1973 at Church of Christ the King, Gordon Square, London.
Author and Sources
Author: David J Wilkinson (see also BJA 2020; 124: e54-8)
Sources and any other comments: Obituaries in BMJ, Lancet, Times & Anaesthesia; Archives of Queen Anne’s School, Caversham and Royal Free Hospital; Family and friends. Picture reproduced by kind permission of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.