Dr Frank Harrington Blackburn

Personal Details 

Dr Frank Harrington Blackburn TD MBBS FFARCS MRCS LRCP DA Barrister at Law

08/02/1903 to 02/04/1983

Place of birth: Upperby, near Carlisle, Cumberland

Nationality: British

CRN: 722634

Also known as: Frank

Education and qualifications

General education

Repton School; Durham University Medical School

Primary medical qualification(s)

MBBS, Durham, 1925

Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Election

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

MRCS LRCP, 1925; DA(RCP&S), 1945

Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

Initially held appointments as house surgeon, house physician & house officer to the Aural & Ophthalmology Departments at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. By 1930 he was settled in GP in Richmond, Surrey, shortly thereafter becoming honorary anaesthetist to the town’s Royal Hospital, and also Deputy Coroner for Surrey (East). He served in the RAMC as a Major during WW2 (including Dunkirk) and for a while afterwards. He then worked for the EMS at several London hospitals including Waterloo, Royal National ENT & St Peter’s for Stone, becoming a consultant after inception of the NHS and retiring about 1966.

Professional interests and activities

Having been involved in the OTC at school, he was a member of the TA even before WW2, and continued his involvement thereafter attaining the rank of Colonel (TD 1954). His work as a Deputy Coroner continued until the war, but seemingly not afterwards, although he became a Barrister at Law of the Middle Temple in 1942.

Other biographical information

He was married twice, first (1927) to Doris Caroline Wombwell and second (1947) to Ethel Jane Lewis, but no children of either marriage have been identified. More information would be welcome.

Author and Sources

Author: Prof Tony Wildsmith

Sources and any other comments:

Medical Directory | Ancestry.co.uk | Aylett S. Surgeon at Watr 1939-45 (2nd Ed). London : Metro Publishing (2015) ISBN 978-1-78418-124-6