Dr Emily Simpson

Author: Dr Emily Simpson
Dr Emily Simpson
Elected Council Member, Consultant representative


MBChB, FRCA, FICM, PGCert in Medical Education 

Term of office on Council

2025 to 2031


Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex


Dr Emily Simpson is a Consultant Anaesthetist at a large DGH which includes the St Andrews Burns and Plastics Unit serving London and Southeast England. She graduated from the University of Pretoria in South Africa and, after moving to the UK, completed postgraduate training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at Barts and the Royal London School of Anaesthesia. Since 2004, she has been a consultant in Essex with specialist interests in critical care, robotic colo-rectal and urology surgery, vascular procedures, regional anaesthesia, orthopaedic surgery and emergency care.

Emily has been involved in education and training throughout her career. She is serving her second term as Regional Advisor for Anaesthesia and has been a Primary FRCA Examiner for thirteen years, including two years as Chair. She has held roles as College Tutor, Deputy RAA, TPD for Core/ACCS and TPD Specialist Trainees. She is currently the Interim Head of School for East of England School of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine. 

As Chair of the Primary OSCE, Emily led the development of a virtual OSCE during the pandemic. As Chair of the Primary FRCA, her key initiatives included developing a new exam framework relevant to clinical practice and patient safety, she created a reasonable adjustment policy for candidates with disabilities and supported expansion of the examiner body. Emily is a member of the Exams Committee and the Exams Development and Assurance Group (EDAG).

Drawing on her experience and position on the Council, Emily is committed to ensuring the seamless transition and implementation of the new exams, making them well-suited for the next generation. She also focuses on resolving exam capacity issues to reduce delays and facilitate career progression.

Outside work, Emily enjoys a braai with friends and outdoor adventures in warmer climates with her husband and two children, including hiking, off-the-grid wilderness camping, long 4x4 trips in Africa, and an afternoon nap.

Register of Interests
