Dr Elliott Isaacson

Personal Details

Dr Elliott Isaacson  BSc(Hons) MSc MB BCH BAO FFARCS DA

17/07/1911 to November 1997

Place of birth:  Dublin, Ireland

Nationality: Presumed Irish

CRN: 505536

Education and qualifications

General education

School not known, but he won a Hutchinson Stewart scholarship in 1930 to study medical subjects.

Primary medical qualification(s)

MB BCh, BAO, National University of Ireland, 1938

Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Election

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

BSc (Hons), NUI, 1932

MSc, NUI, 1933

DA (RCP&S),1940  

Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

After qualifying Isaacson was House Officer in Surgery and Resident Anaesthetist at Mater Misericordiae Hospital Dublin. In 1939 he was resident anaesthetist at North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary, Stoke-on-Trent. By 1942 he was a Lieutenant in the Royal Army Medical Corps; later promoted to Major, Specialist Anaesthetist.  He was appointed Specialist Anaesthetist at North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary in 1948, announced in the local newspaper. On the formation of the NHS this hospital became part of the Stoke-on-Trent Hospitals Group, where he worked as a Consultant Anaesthetist until his retirement in 1974

Professional interests and activities

Before moving to Stoke-on-Trent, he was Senior Demonstrator in physiology and biochemistry and Junior Demonstrator in anatomy and zoology at University College Dublin. He was a Member of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, the Great Britain and International Anaesthesia Research Society, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. According to the Manchester Evening News of 1 March 1951, he was a Witness in a legal case involving a patient who possibly had an intra-arterial injection in the arm - linked to the North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary.

Other biographical information

At the time of his birth, both his parents lived in South Dublin, but were of Russian and Jewish Heritage. No siblings have been identified.

In 1972 aged 61years he married Dr Jeannette Gaunt Eveson who was  aged 47years. No children have been identified. In retirement he lived in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, where he died in November 1997 aged 86 years, survived by his wife (per Probate announcement in London Gazette).

Author and sources


Dr Innes Simon Chadwick

Sources and comments:

1911 and 1939 Census Register. Accessed on line. Ancestry.com

1942 Medical Directory UK.  Accessed on line. Ancestry.com

1944-1976 Medical Directories UK accessed by Dr A McKenzie at University Library, Edinburgh.

1959 Medical Register UK accessed.

Biographical information accessed on line: Ancestry.com.

London Gazette Supplement 23 June 1942  p2749 and 1998. L-55 182-009.

Staffordshire Sentinel 23 March 1948 accessed on line: FindmyPast and British Newspaper Archive.