Dr Edward Brian Lewis

Personal Details

Dr Edward Brian Lewis  BA MA MB BChir LMSSA FFARCS DA

Known as: Self-styled 'Lewis-the-gas'

08/07/1930 to 08/01/1999

Place of birth: Hereford, Herefordshire, UK

Nationality: British

CRN: 508065

Education and qualifications

General education

Won an exhibition to read history at Trinity College, Cambridge; switched to medicine. Clinical training at Charing Cross Hospital

Primary medical qualification(s)

LMSSA (Worshipful Society of Apothecaries), London, 1959

Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Examination

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

BA, University Cambridge, 1955.
MA, University of Cambridge, 1958.
DA (RCP&S), 1962
MB BChir, University of Cambridge, 1965.


Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

House physician Worthing Hospital. Resident anaesthetist West London Hospital. Registrar Anaesthetist Kingsbury Maternity Hospital, London NW9. Registrar Charing Cross Hospital. Registrar Moorfields Eye Hospital, City Road, London. Consultant anaesthetist, SE Kent Health District 1967-91.

Professional interests and activities

Lewis published on the use and complications of intravenous plastic cannulae in 1964-65. Council Member AAGBI 1973-76. Vice-President AAGBI 1987-88. Member BMA; Chairman BMA representative meeting 1978, member of General Medical Council 1979-1999. Director of BUPA,1989-1990. Member of Code of Conduct Committee of Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry. Surgeon in Chief of St John’s Ambulance 1988. President National Association of Theatre Nurses 1981-84.

Other biographical information

He married Yolande Aurea R. Bennett in 1963 and they had a son and a daughter.
Awarded Knight of the Order of St John in 1992. He died in Kent aged 68 years, survived by his wife, children and a granddaughter.

Author and sources


Dr David Wilkinson and Dr Graeme Dickson

Sources and comments:

Appleyard J. Obituary: Edward Brian Lewis. BMJ 1999; 318; 608 (with photograph).
Medical Registers and Medical Directories. Student Registry University of Cambridge.
Lewis EB. Disappearing plastic cannula. BMJ 1964; 2: 1010-1.
Lewis EB. Intravenous plastic catheters. BMJ 1965; 1: 386.