Dr David Michael Carnegie

Personal Details

Dr David Michael Carnegie LMSSA MB BS FFARCS DA

10/03/1917 to 23/10/2006

Place of birth: Edmonton, Middlesex, England

Nationality:  British

CRN:  495907

Education and qualifications

General education

University of London and Medical School at Guy’s Hospital 1937-43

Primary medical qualification(s)

LMSSA, (Society of Apothecaries) London, 1943

MB BS, University of London, 1950

Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Election

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

DA (RCP&S), 1947

Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

After qualifying LMSSA Carnegie undertook house jobs at the Guy’s Sector of Farnborough Hospital, Kent and then entered the RAMC, where he attained the rank of Captain. On demobilisation he returned to Guy’s Hospital, where he became a registrar in anaesthetics, and by 1948 Senior Registrar. Next he was promoted to Chief Assistant Anaesthetist at Guy’s. In 1953 he appointed Consultant Anaesthetist to the Thoracic Units S.E. Metropolitan Regional Hospital Boards. By 1959 his Consultant appointments were also at Guy’s Hospital, and the Chelsea Hospital for Women. Later he had Consultant appointments at the Maudsley Neurosurgical Unit, and the Evelina Children’s Hospital, London. He retired in 1982, being designated “Emeritus Consultant Anaesthetist, Guy’s Hospital”.

Professional interests and activities

In 1950 he worked with EH Rink and A. Michael Hutton in anaesthetising patients undergoing mitral valvotomy by the surgeon RC Brock. Carnegie continued to be involved in anaesthesia for cardiac surgery for 31 years, contributing to several papers on this. He wrote the chapter on anaesthesia and analgesia for neurosurgery in Evans & Gray’s textbook ‘General Anaesthesia’ 1959 and the 1965 edition. He was a member of Council of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland for 1954-57, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine.

Other biographical information

Carnegie married Yvonne Fletcher in London in 1945. In retirement he resided in Lymington, Hampshire and was a member of the History of Anaesthesia Society. He passed away at the age of 89 years, survived by his wife.  

Author and sources


Dr Alistair McKenzie

Sources and comments:

[1] Medical Registers and Medical Directories. [2] Ancestry.com [3] Carnegie DM. The early days of cardiac anaesthesia. The History of Anaesthesia Society Proceedings 1990; 7: 26-31.