Published: 12/08/2019


Note: This forms part of the comprehensive pre-assessment of patients. It should be assessed as part of the overall pre-assessment process.

Learning outcome:

  • To prescribe premedication when indicated, especially for the high risk population


Competence Description Assessment Methods GMP
PD_BK_01 Summarises the value of appropriate explanations and reassurance in alleviating the patient’s anxiety A,C,E 1,3
PD_BK_02 Lists basic indications for prescription of pre-medication A,C,E 1
PD_BK_03 Describes the rationale for the use of different anxiolytic and sedative drugs A,C,E 1
PD_BK_04 Discusses the applied pharmacology of sedative and anxiolytic drugs A,C,E 1
PD_BK_05 Recalls the factors that influence the risk of gastric reflux/aspiration and lists strategies to reduce it A,C,D,E 1,2
PD_BK_06 Explains the applied pharmacology of pro-kinetic and antacids including simple alkalis, H2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors A,C,E 2
PD_BK_07 Describes the application of local/national guidelines on management of thromboembolic risk A,C,E 1,2


Competence Description Assessment Methods GMP

Prescribes appropriate agents to reduce the risk of regurgitation and aspiration

A,C,D,E 1,2

Explains, in a way the patient understands, the benefits and possible risks of sedative premedication

A,E,M 3,4

Prescribes appropriate anxiolytic/sedative premedication when indicated

A,C,E 1