Published: 18/01/2023

Programme of Assessment - Assessment of High-level Learning Outcomes

The assessment process contains both formative and summative elements, which are detailed in section 5.7. All assessments are reviewed at the ARCP.

Formative assessment

Formative assessment is assessment for learning. The goal of formative assessment is to monitor progress in order to offer ongoing constructive feedback with the aim of improving performance. In formative assessment there is no grade or mark, no pass or fail. Formative assessment must provide good quality feedback; without this the process loses its purpose. The main formative assessments used in the curriculum are the Structured Learning Events (SLEs).

SLEs are only one source of evidence towards the attainment of a learning outcome. Their purpose is to demonstrate engagement of trainers and anaesthetists in training in professional educational conversations alongside the logbook and consultant feedback. Further examples of how anaesthetists in training might provide evidence of achievement of key capabilities and higher learning outcomes will be included in the examples of evidence section that accompanies each learning outcome. These will include activities such as teaching, course attendance and quality improvement projects.

The anaesthetic curriculum is outcomes-based. Key capabilities (knowledge or skills) relating to each learning outcome in the curriculum are listed in annexes at the end of this document. The key capabilities may be assessed by SLEs and these, along with other evidence, may be used to demonstrate their attainment and therefore achievement of the learning outcomes at each stage of training. 

Summative assessment

Summative assessment is assessment of learning and results in a mark or grade, pass or fail. The goal of summative assessment is to test knowledge or performance against set criteria to meet the key capabilities.