Centre for Research and Improvement Executive Management Board.
The Centre for Research and Improvement (CR&I) is governed by its Executive Management Board. Members include the leads for its constituent projects, including the National Audit Projects, National Emergency Laparotomy Audit, Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme, and Sprint National Anaesthesia Projects.
The Board has several trainee members, who are either CR&I Fellows undertaking research linked to one of these core projects, or are representatives of the Research and Audit Federation of Trainees or the National Institute for Academic Anaesthesia.

Prof Moppett is currently the Deputy Director of the NIAA HSRC and has been leading the work on the 3rd Sprint National Anaesthesia Project (SNAP3) looking to examine frailty, delirium and the older surgical patient. He is Professor of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine and Honorary Consultant Anaesthetist at the University of Nottingham and Nottingham University Hospitals. Iain's primary academic interests are in improving outcomes for older patients undergoing surgery and in perioperative patient safety. He is also the Chair of the CPOC National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures (NatSSSIPs).
- Dr Mark Edwards
- Deputy Director of the Perioperative Medicine Clinical Trials Network (POMCTN)
- Deputy Director of the RCoA CR&I
- Dr Sarah Hare
- Deputy Director of the RCoA CR&I
- Dr Joyce Yeung
- Director of POMCTN
- Deputy Director of the RCoA CR&I
- Mr Aiman Al-Eryani
- RCoA Data Analyst
- Dr Michael Argent
- Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme (PQIP) Fellow
- Dr Richard Armstrong
- NAP7 (7th National Audit Project: Perioperative Cardiac Arrest) Fellow
- Dr Martha Belete
- Chair of the Research and Audit Federation of Trainees (RAFT)
- PQIP Fellow
- Dr Stephen Berry
- POMCTN Fellow
- Dr Oliver Boney
- Chair of PCPIE (Patient, Carer and Public Involvement and Engagement in Research)
- Dr Rachael Brooks
- PQIP Fellow
- Prof Tim Cook
- Director of the National Audit Projects
- Ms Laura Cortés
- Secretary
- Research Project Coordinator
- Ms Sharon Drake
- RCoA Director of Clinical Quality and Research
- Dr Parineeta Ghosh
- eFONA (Emergency Front of Neck Access Database) Fellow
- Prof Mike Grocott
- National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia (NIAA) Board Chair
- Dr Adam Hunt
- PQIP Fellow
- Dr Carolyn Johnston
- Chair of the Quality Improvement Working Group (QIWG)
- Dr Andrew Kane
- NAP7 Fellow
- Dr Nicola Kelly
- NELA (National Emergency Laparotomy Audit) Fellow
- Mr Isa Khan
- PatientsVoices@RCoA
- Dr Justin Kua
- PQIP Fellow
- Dr Emira Kursumovic
- NAP7 Fellow
- Dr Aaron Lavin
- QI Fellow
- Dr Ee-Neng Loh
- NELA Fellow
- Mr Jose Lourtie
- RCoA Head of Research
- Dr Eimear Lusby
- PQIP Fellow
- Ms Carly Melbourne
- RCoA Associate Director of Clinical Quality and Research
- Dr Yavor Metodiev
- Obstetric Anaesthetists' Association
- Prof Ramani Moonesinghe
- PQIP Chief Investigator
- Children's Acute Surgical Abdomen Project (CASAP) Chief Investigator
- Dr Dave Murray
- NELA Chair
- Dr Reema Nandi
- Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists
- Dr Samuel Nava
- SNAP3 (Sprint National Anaesthesia Project 3: Frailty and Delirium) Fellow
- Mr Balwant Patel
- Patient'sVoices@RCoA
- Dr Cyrus Razavi
- CASAP Fellow
- Dr David Saunders
- NELA Anaesthetic Lead
- Dr Claire Shannon
- Chair of the RCoA Clinical Quality and Research Board
- Dr Cliff Shelton
- Co-Chair of PCPIE
- Prof Andrew Smith
- RCoA Council Research Lead
- Dr Amaki Sogbodjor
- CASAP Fellow
- Dr Claire Swarbrick
- SNAP3 Fellow
- Ms Christine Taylor
- RCoA Research Manager
- Dr Cecilia Vindrola
- CR&I Social Scientist
- Dr Eleanor Warwick
- PQIP Fellow
- Dr Helen Williams
- Data Science Fellow
- Ms Karen Williams
- Research Project Coordinator